مطالعه کتاب Examining the Ismaili Imams the Bohras
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Examining the Ismaili Imams the Bohras


Author(s): Ali Azhar Arastu

Publisher(s): World Islamic Network (WIN)

Category: Prophethood Imamate General

Topic Tags: Ismailis Bohras Miscellaneous information: nbsp;Examining the Ismaili Imams the Bohras

Author : Ali Azhar Arastu

Published: World Islamic Network

67/69, Hazrat Abbas (as) Street,

Mumbai – 400 009. India

Tel.: 91-22-23433540

E-mail: winislam@gmail.com

Website: www.winislam.com

Available at :Ja’fari Propagation Centre

94, Asma Manzil, Room No. 10, Bazar Road,

Opp. Khoja Masjid, Bandra (W), Mumbai – 400050.

Tel.: 2642 5777 E-mail: jpcbandra@yahoo.com, jpcbandra@gmail.com, Website: jpconline.org


This book is about the beliefs of Ismailis. Two major sects within the Ismailis are the Agha Khanis who believe in 49 Imams and the Bohras who believe in 21 Imams. However both the Agha Khanis and the Bohras believe Ismail as an Imam, who was the son of Imam al-Sadiq (as) and they reject Musa al-Kadhim s/o Imam al-Sadiq (as). This book investigates the authenticity of the Ismaili/Fatimid Imams whether they were really divine.


فَلَمَّا دَخَلُوْا عَلَیْہِ قَالُوْا یٰٓاَیُّہَا الْعَزِیْزُ مَسَّ_نَا وَاَہْلَنَا الضُّرُّ وَجِئْنَا بِبِضَاعَۃٍ مُّزْجٰیۃٍ فَاَوْفِ لَنَا الْکَیْلَ وَتَصَدَّقْ عَلَیْنَا0ۭ اِنَّ اللہَ یَجْزِی الْمُتَصَدِّقِیْنَ88

…Then, when they entered into his presence, they said, “O Aziz! Distress has befallen our family, and us, and we have brought [just] a meager sum. Yet grant us the full measure, and be charitable to us! Indeed Allah rewards the charitable.”(1)

I dedicate this research to my beloved Imam Mahdi, the awaited savior of the mankind (may Allah hasten his return); to my father, Riazath Husain Arastu; my mother, Tahera Begum Arastu; my brother, Shoukath Husain Arastu, my mother-in-law, Rabab Sultana

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1- Surah Yusuf (12), Ayah 88
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