مطالعه کتاب The Islamic Hijab (Veil)
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The Islamic Hijab (Veil)


Title: The Islamic Hijab

Author(s): Al-Balagh Foundation

Publisher(s): Al-Balagh Foundation

Category: Hijab (Islamic Modest Dress)

Topic Tags: Hijab Ahadith

Appearance: 64 p

Congress Classification: BP230/17/الف 9 1373

Dewey decimal classification: 297 /636

National bibliography number: م 82-15979


عنوان و نام پديدآور : The Islamic Hijab (veil)/ presented by Al -Balagh Foundation

مشخصات نشر : Tehran: Al -Balagh foundation, 1994 = 1373.

مشخصات ظاهری : 64 ص.مصور

وضعیت فهرست نویسی : فهرستنویسی قبلی

یادداشت : کتابنامه: ص. 64 - 63

عنوان دیگر : The Islamic Hijab (veil)

موضوع : حجاب

موضوع : حجاب -- جنبه های قرآنی

شناسه افزوده : موسسه البلاغ

رده بندی کنگره : BP230/17/الف 9 1373

رده بندی دیویی : 297 /636

شماره کتابشناسی ملی : م 82-15979

دسترسی و محل الکترونیکی : http://dl.nlai.ir/UI/113161ee-4863-43d8-a011-d57988022865/Catalogue.aspx


The 'Islamic Hijab (Veil)' is a text written with the aim to give a more factual approach, and a deeper meaning to Hijab in Islam. It addresses the responsibility both men and women have in applying Hijab, as well as addressing the doubts one may have, and logically explaining 'Why Hijab?'. The Al-Balagh foundation have thoroughly researched this topic using authentic sources, including the Holy Qur'an.



"And say to the believing women that they lower their gaze and guard their private parts and do not display their adornment save what is apparent of it; and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms..." (Holy Qur’an, 24:31).

Islam recorded a great turning point in the history of woman which has no rival to this day. Through it, she regained her honour and rights of which she had been deprived for centuries under the burdens of unjust views of the pre-Islamic era of Ignorance (Jahiliyah). Islam restored her full rights to lead a noble life under the shadow of a glorious civilized system.

For the first time in history, woman was able to enjoy her lofty human rights, according to Islamic laws and legislation. Injustices was removed from her and she could live as a human being having dignity, honour and rank equal to man. This right was to be practised within the limits of the Almighty Allah Who gave woman capabilities and

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