Raising Children محبوب

  • Raising Children
Raising Children
Author(s): Tahera Kassamali
Publisher(s): Tayyiba Publishers Distributors
Category: General
Topic Tags: Children Islamic Raising Family Miscellaneous information: Raising Children, Ten lessons on the Islamic way of raising children
Tahera Kassamali, Tayyiba Publishers & Distr,
The lessons are derived from Islamic sources originally written in Farsi on the subject.
This book Contains these titles:
ID book؛ point؛ The lessons are derived from Islamic sources originally written in Farsi on the subject.؛ Lesson 1: Training of Children؛ Lesson 2: The Role of the Mother؛ Lesson 3: Religious Training of children؛ Lesson 4: A Child’s need for Love؛ Lesson 5: Self-Esteem and Children؛ Lesson 6: Discipline and Control؛ Lesson 7: Children and Play؛ Lesson 8: Outside Influences؛ Lesson 9: Sibling Rivalry؛ Lesson 10: Mistakes Parents often make؛ Du’a for Virtuous Children
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