مطالعه کتاب History of The Caliphs
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دانلود کتاب

مشاهده صفحه کامل دانلود

History of The Caliphs


Author(s): Rasul Jafariyan

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications - Qum

Category: Early Islamic History

Topic Tags: Umayyad Caliphate Caliphate Miscellaneous information:nbsp;History of The Caliphs

From the Death of the Messenger (S),

to the Decline of the

039;Umayyad Dynasty 11-132 AH


Rasul Ja039;fariyan

ISBN: 964-438-457-1

Published by:

Ansariyan Publications

22, Shohada St.,

P.O. Box 187 Qum

Islamic Republic of Iran

Tel: ++98 251 7741744 Fax: 7742647

Congress Classification: BP14/ج 7ت 204952 1382

Dewey Classification: 297 /912

National bibliography numbers: م 82-15970

E-mail: ansarian@noornet.net


سرشناسه : جعفریان، رسول، - 1343

Jafarian, Rasul

عنوان قراردادی : [تاریخ خلفا از رحلت پیامبر تا زوال امویان (132 - 11ه). انگلیسی]

عنوان و نام پدیدآور : History of the caliphs/ by Rasul Jafarian; translated by Ali Ebrahimi

مشخصات نشر : Qum: Ansariyan Publications, 2003 = 1382.

مشخصات ظاهری : ص 664

فروست : (Political History of Islam; 2)

وضعیت فهرست نویسی : فهرستنویسی قبلی

یادداشت : فهرستنویسی براساس جلد دوم؛ 1382

یادداشت : کتابنامه: ص. 664 - 649؛ همچنین به صورت زیرنویس

عنوان دیگر : ...History of the caliphs: from the death of the

عنوان دیگر : تاریخ خلفا از رحلت پیامبر تا زمان امویان (132 - 11ه). انگلیسی

آوانویسی عنوان : )هیستری آو د کلیفس }(...{

موضوع : اسلام -- تاریخ -- از آغاز تا ق 132

موضوع : خلفای راشدین

موضوع : خلافت

موضوع : امویان -- تاریخ

شناسه افزوده : ابراهیمی، علی Ebrahimi, Ali، مترجم

رده بندی کنگره : BP14/ج 7ت 204952 1382

رده بندی دیویی : 297 /912

شماره کتابشناسی ملی : م 82-15970


From the Death of the Messenger (S), to the Decline of the ‘Umayyad Dynasty 11-132 AHIn this book, the author covers the history of Shi'i Islam from after the death of the Prophet . He discusses in detail the rule of the three Caliphs and of Imam Ali after that. He also delves into the history of the Ummayad rulers and their actions.

www.ansariyan.net amp; www.ansariyan.orgImportant notice:nbsp;Important Notice about This Text:

The Ahlul Bayt DILP team wishes to inform the reader of some important points regarding this digitized text, which represents the English translation of a work originally written in Arabic. Whereas no one can doubt the best intentions of the translator and the publishers in making this title accessible to an English speaking audience, the editing and digitization process of this book (carried out by the DILP Team) has revealed issues in the quality of translation.

Based upon this fact, the DILP team has taken the liberty to make grammatical corrections to make the text more readable and less ambiguous; spelling mistakes and typographical errors have also been

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