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The Elixir of Love :a commemorative volume for the late Shaykh Rajab Ali Khayyat (Nikuguyan)


Author(s): Muhammad Rayshahri

Publisher(s): Dar al-Hadith Publications

Category: Scholars Spirituality

Topic Tags: Spirituality and spiritual growth Awaiting Imam Mahdi

Featured Category: Spirituality

ISBN: 978-964-7489-57-7

Appearance: 286 p

Congress Classification: BP55/3/خ 9 م304952 1387

Dewey decimal classification: 297/998

National bibliography number: 1649054


سرشناسه : محمدي ري شهري، محمد، 1325 -

Muhammadi Rayshahri, Muhammad

عنوان قراردادي : كيمياي محبت: يادنامه مرحوم شيخ رجبعلي خياط(نكوگويان). انگليسي.

عنوان و نام پديدآور : The elixir of love :a commemorative volume for the late Shaykh Rajab Ali Khayyat (Nikuguyan)/ Muhammad Rayshahri : translated by Ahmad Ridwani.

مشخصات نشر : Qum: Dar al-Hadith Publication, 2008=1387.

مشخصات ظاهري : 286ص.: مصور.

شابك : 978-964-7489-57-7

يادداشت : انگليسي.

موضوع : خياط، رجبعلي، 1262 - 1340.-- سرگذشتنامه

رده بندي كنگره : BP55/3/خ 9 م304952 1387

رده بندي ديويي : 297/998

شماره كتابشناسي ملي : 1649054

دسترسي و محل الكترونيكي : http://dl.nlai.ir/UI/99a125da-a7fe-4473-ba10-3eeac00f986c/Catalogue.aspx


In the memory of Shaikh Rajab Ali KhayyatSpiritual lessons on the love of Allah (swt) from the life of the 20th century spiritual exemplar, Shaykh Rajab Ali Khayyat. Includes anecotes from his life and practical ethical advice for living a spiritual life.



The first question that may occur to the reader as to the reason the author (of the present book) has undertaken writing a commemorative volume about the perfect Gnostic, the pious servant, and the reverend "Shaykh Rajab Ali Khayyat"-particularly if the reader has been one of his disciples, would probably be: Why has a writer, who has never met with the Shaykh and whose field of work and research is not writing commemorative biographies, made such an attempt like this?

The Charisma of the Shaykh's Sayings

Imam Ali (a) has been quoted as saying:

ان على كلّ حقِّ حقيقة، وعلى كل صواب نوراُ

"Together with every righteous affair there is a truth, and with every correct matter, a light"(1)

Once at early youth when I accidentally encountered in Masjid-i Jamkaran in Qum with one of the devotees of Shaykh Rajab Ali, I became devotedly attached to the latter despite having never met him in person. I found in his words such truthfulness, radiance and charisma that scented of the fragrance of the friends of God.

For years, I eagerly longed for the life-story and words of that "unschooled beloved"

p: 1

1- Al-Kafi, II, 54: 4; Mizan al-Hikmah, XIII, 6520: 20838
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