مطالعه کتاب Music and its Effects
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دانلود کتاب

مشاهده صفحه کامل دانلود

Music and its Effects


Title: Music and its Effects

Author(s): A. H. Sheriff

Publisher(s): Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

Category: General Youth General Important notice: nbsp;DISCLAIMER:

The information presented in this DIGITAL EDITION is for information purposes only and should not be used to determine current Islamic legal opinions on the topic at hand nor as a definitive position of the teachings of Islam as conveyed through the Prophet (s) amp; the Ahlul Bayt (as).

Featured Category: Muslim Practices


نویسنده: A. H. Sheriff

ناشر:Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

دسته:General Youth General Important notice

عنوان کتاب:Music and its Effects


In this booklet, the author discusses the detrimental effects of music on our lives. He talks about the origin of music and its effects from various points of views. He also discusses what the Qur'an and narrations of the Ahlul Bayt have to say on this matter.


Nowadays, people are getting more and more involved in Music and for them, it has become a part of their daily life. Their mind has become so saddled with tension, and the tempo of life is so fast that they seem to accept high blood pressure and nervous breakdown as the unavoidable side effects of modern civilization.

It is a pity that they do not pause to think about the adverse effects of music on their physical and mental health.

I have endeavoured to present in this booklet the scientific and spiritual points of view on music and dance etc. These observations have been quoted from various books of Persian, Urdu and English languages.

I am very grateful to Maulana Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar Rizvi, the Chief Missionary of the Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

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