مطالعه کتاب Raising Children
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Raising Children


Author(s): Tahera Kassamali

Publisher(s): Tayyiba Publishers Distributors

Category: General

Topic Tags: Children Islamic Raising Family Miscellaneous information: Raising Children, Ten lessons on the Islamic way of raising children

Tahera Kassamali, Tayyiba Publishers amp; Distr,


The lessons are derived from Islamic sources originally written in Farsi on the subject.


Ten lessons on the Islamic way of raising children.

The lessons are derived from Islamic sources originally written in Farsi on the subject.

Lesson 1: Training of Children


The duty of every parent is to train the child in the right way. Training means teaching and guiding. Training also means producing required changes in a person. It is not enough for parents to cater for the physical needs of the child. They need to give the child an awareness and knowledge, help him gain good characteristics, and develop a virtuous personality. Such training of children has great benefits for the child as well as for the society in which he lives. Although many people have an influence on the training of a child, the first and most important trainers are the parents.

The guidance that a parent gives his child is vital for the progress of the child. Although the child may not appreciate it at the time, a loving parent knows that it is incumbent upon him to make his child learn from his own knowledge and experience. This enables the child to avoid the mistakes the parent may have made, and benefit from his wisdom. Imam ‘Ali (a) wrote a will to his son Imam Hasan (a), advising him on how to live in this world. In

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