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The Shi'ah are the real Ahlul-Sunnah


Author(s): Muhammad al-Tijani al-Samawi

Translator(s): Yasin T. Al-Jibouri

Publisher(s): Pyam-e-Aman

Category: Sunni Shi’a

Topic Tags: Shia Sunni-Shia Sunnah

Featured Category: Debates discussions Responses to Misconceptions Shia beliefs explained Why they became Shia


An inquiry of an explorer of the truth into the delicate yet essential question of: "Who is best qualified to the claim of being a follower of Islam's Prophet in spirit and in practice?"

Publisher's Preface

This book can best be described as an inquiry of an explorer of the truth into the delicate yet essential question of: “Who is better qualified to the claim of being a follower of Islam's Prophet in spirit and in practice?” Just as it is mandatory to follow the Qur'an, it is equally essential to follow the Prophet, peace be upon him. While the Qur'an is the Almighty's revelation, the Prophet's statements and actions, without any doubt, are also guided by the Almighty, and he cannot err:

“Nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but revelation that is revealed” (Qur'an, 53:3-4),

hence the importance of taking the Sunnah (the Prophet's traditions and statements) very seriously.

Both major schools of Islamic law, the Sunni and the Shi`a, differed with regard to the important issue of the spiritual as well as the temporal succession of the Prophet of Islam. This difference resulted in the Muslims' ideological division after the Prophet's death. Here is an interesting fact for your consideration:

Both Sunni and Shi`a groups agree all along with regard

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