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had given birth to a baby boy who after his father was to become the Imam and was to shoulder the responsibility of Imamate and guiding the Shias .

Yes ! That was 148 (A . H) , when the eight Imam , Ali (A . S) was born and who was given the title of Ridha . Najma got immense pleasure in her first child and after years , God blessed her and her husband Musa Kadhim (A . S) with a daughter and a sister to Imam Ridha (A . S(

Imam Musa Kadhim (A . S) named his daughter Fatimah , for the sake of love and special attachment he had with his grandmother Fatimah Zahra (A . S) . Fatimah�s purity , modesty , and piety were such that after sometime she was referred as �Ma�sumah� (the infallible) . This was because like her Honourable Father , she used to keep away from all evils and sins .

Fatimah was a name that was remembered among the Ahul-bayt who had hundreds of sad and sweet memories of the life of Bibi Fatimah (A . S) .

If anybody chose the name Fatimah for their daughters , they used to give the same respect as the prophet (S . A . W) used to give his daughter . She was never neglected . Imam Musa Kadhim (A . S) also followed this tradition , used to love the new girl very much , and never failed to show and express his kindness to and love for

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