Universe illuminating countenance Popular

  • Universe illuminating countenance
a wonderful Man in the Heavens
Sayyed Mohsen Tayyib nia
Ali Ebrahime
The title: Al-Husayn a wonderful Man in the Heavens
Autor: Sayyed Mohsen Tayyib nia
Email: Mohsentayyeb110@gmail.com
Translator: Ali Ebrahime
Publisher: Al-Balagh-est
All right resserred to sayyed
Mohsen Tayyib nia
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This book Contains these titles:
book id؛ Point؛ TABLE OF CONTENTS ؛ Universe-Illuminating Countenance Epic Account of Hazrat Seyyed Shuhada, Lord of Martyrs (‘a) ؛ His Essence Differentiates Him from His Creatures ؛ God the Almighty is a Being separated from His Creatures and no being looks like Him ؛ Chapter One Birth of Imam Husayn (‘a) and His Everlasting Epic ؛ Chapter Two Information about Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (‘a) and His Everlasting Epic O' our lord, O' Husayn ('a)! ؛ Chapter Three Weeping for Husayn and His Epic Greetings of God be upon you, O' the eternally universe-shining Sun, O' the Threshold of Divine Blessings, O' son of God's Lion! ؛ Chapter Four Pilgrimage to Holy Shrine of Husayn (‘a) and His Epic ؛ Chapter Five Invoking by Husayn (‘a) and His Epic ؛ Chapter six Path of Husayn (‘a) and His Epic ؛ Chapter Seven 'Abbas of Husayn (‘a) and His Epic ؛ Chapter Eight Companions of Husayn (‘a) and their Chivalry ؛ Chapter Nine Zeynab of Husayn (‘a) and Her Epic ؛ Chapter Ten Good-deed Life in Light of Husayn (‘a) and His Epic ؛ References
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