مطالعه کتاب Fundamentals of Knowing God in Greek Philosophy and Divine Religion
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Fundamentals of Knowing God in Greek Philosophy and Divine Religion


Author(s): Reza Berenjkar

Translator(s): Jalil Dorrani

Publisher(s): Naba Organization

Category: Comparative Religion God His Attributes


In this research, effort has been made to discuss and compare the genuine foundations and basic fundamentals of Knowing God and the ways of gaining the knowledge of God in Divine Religions and in Greek Philosophy.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

The book that is with you, is the general layout of “Divine Theology” and the “Theology of Greek Philosophy.”

In this research, effort has been made to discuss and compare the genuine foundations and basic fundamentals of Knowing God and the ways of gaining the knowledge of God in Divine Religions and in Greek Philosophy.

Studying this book will bring us near to the view that the monotheistic religions have exhibited a “new logic” in the “Ma’rifat (knowledge, gnosis) of God” which the like of has never been found in the human sciences.

Here, I consider it my duty to thank the respected Master and Faqih, the commentator of Qur’an and the diver in the (sea) of gnostic knowledge of Holy Imams, Hazrat Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Baqir Miyaangi for this reason that I have reaped benefits from him which has been reflected in this present book.

The Author


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

1. The history of Islamic contemplation and culture has witnessed diverse conjunctions with different human knowledge especially the exotic reflections.

As we know, the spread of the geographical domain of Islam was accompanied

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