- Introduction
- Ibrahim-Friend of Allah
- Ismail and the Great Sacrifice
- Yusuf - The Truthful One
- Musa and daughters of Shuaib
- David and Goliath
- Luqman-The Wise Sage
- Yahya - Son of Zakaria
- Maryam
- Jesus Christ
- People of the Cave
- Radiant Faces of the Youths in the History of Islam
- Imam Ali (a.s)
- A Matchless Youth Of Islam
- It was only Ali who testified to the Messenger of God
- On the Bed of the Messenger, Ali’s Self-sacrifice
- The 25 year old hero of the Battle of Badr
- There is no brave youth but Ali and there is no sword but Zulfiqar
- A courageous attack in the darkness of the night
- Battle of the Ditch and Ali’s Bravery
- Ali (a.s) and the Jews of Bani Quraiza
- Test of Ali’s Steadfastness and Courage in the presence of the Holy Prophets.a.w.s.)
- Ali (a.s) - the conqueror of Khyber
- Valor of Ali (a.s)
- Only Ali was entitled to propagate
- Ali-Soul of the Prophet-Self of the Messenger
- Ali - The Real Leader of Islam
- Zahra (a.s)
- The young generation welcomed Islamic Teachings
- Ja’far Ibn Abi Talib
- Abdullah Ibn Masud
- Musab Ibn Umair
- Itab ibn Usaid
- Mu’az ibn Jabal
- Hanzala Ibn Aamir
- Usamah Ibn Zaid
- Youthful personalities
- Imam Hasan and imam Husain
- Youths of Kerbala
- Imam Jawaad
- The Universal Reformer of Mankind
- Fatima Masuma
- Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr
- Hisham Ibn Hikam
- Rabi-ur-Raay
- Faces of the youth
- Youthful Leader of Aged Intellectuals
- Sibuya
- endnote
PORTRAITS OF YOUTHS In Quran and the History of Islam
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) says:
Indeed Allah likes that young man or woman spends his/her youth in Allah’s obedience.
When Adam and Eve stepped on this earth for the first time, they were in their youths, handsome young people having a good physique and a beautiful body. In the histories of the world most of the greatest feats were performed by those who were in their youth and according to the heavenly books, most of the prophets when they were appointed to convey divine teachings to the people, were either youths or had recently stepped into their adolescence. Accomplishments in scientific and technological fields, illumination of historical realities and other important inventions were the results of the enlightened thinking of only the young generation and results of their hard work. Everywhere the faces of youths are prominent.
The people of the world, in these recent times have begun to pay more attention to the young generation, though there was a time when power in various fields was mostly concentrated in the hands of aged people and they used to impose their will on all. However, slowly the world became mindful of the fact that more regard should be paid to the new generation and the young people of the community.
In order to encourage and guide the youths and to prevent them from being misguided, there are various establishments, societies, newspapers and magazines etc. We even have special ministries for youth affairs. All this is so because the life of the youth is most precious. Youth is that