مطالعه کتاب Seal of the Prophets and His Message: lesson on Islamic doctrine
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Seal of the Prophets and His Message: lesson on Islamic doctrine


Title: The seal of the prophets and his message: lesson on Islamic doctrine

Author(s): Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari

Translator(s): Dr. Hamid Algar

Publisher(s): Islamic Education Center

Appearance: 195 p

Congress Classification: BP22/9/م 8خ 204952 1368

Dewey decimal classification: 297 /93

National bibliography number: م 76-10841

Category: Prophethood amp; Imamate

Topic Tags: Seal Message Last Prophet

Person Tags: Prophet Muhammad


سرشناسه : موسوي لاري، مجتبي، - 1314

Musavi Lari, Mujtaba

عنوان قراردادي : [خاتم الانبياآ و پيامش. انگليسي]

عنوان و نام پديدآور : The seal of the prophets and his message: lesson on Islamic doctrine/ Mujtaba Musavi lari: translated by Hamid Algar

مشخصات نشر : Potomac, MD: Islamic Education center, 1368 = 1989.

مشخصات ظاهري : ص 195

وضعيت فهرست نويسي : فهرستنويسي قبلي

يادداشت : كتابنامه: ص. [187] - 189

عنوان ديگر : خاتم الانبياآ و پيامش. انگليسي

عنوان ديگر : The seal of the prophets and his message: lesson on Islam

موضوع : محمد(ص)، پيامبر اسلام، 53 قبل از هجرت - 11ق. -- سرگذشتنامه

موضوع : محمد(ص)، پيامبر اسلام، 53 قبل از هجرت - 11ق. -- خاتميت

موضوع : شيعه اماميه -- عقايد

شناسه افزوده : الگار، حامد، ، - 1940Algar, Hamid

رده بندي كنگره : BP22/9/م 8خ 204952 1368

رده بندي ديويي : 297 /93

شماره كتابشناسي ملي : م 76-10841


Prophethood, miracles, revelation, inerrancy, splendor of Prophet Muhammad (s), migration, Qur'anic themes, and the sealing of Prophethood.

About the Author

Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari is the son of the late Ayatullah Sayyid ‘Ali Asghar Lari, one of the great religious scholars and social personalities of Iran. His grandfather was the late Ayatullah Hajj Sayyid Abd ul-Husayn Lari, who fought for freedom in the Constitutional Revolution. In the course of his lengthy struggles against the tyrannical government of the time, he attempted to establish an Islamic government and succeeded in doing so for a short time in Larestan.

Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari was born in 1314/1925 in the city of Lar where he completed his primary education and his preliminary Islamic studies. In 1332/1953, he departed for Qum to continue his study of the Islamic sciences, studying under the professors and teachers of the religious institution, including the main authorities in jurisprudence (maraji').

In 1341/1962, he became a collaborator of Maktab-i-lslam, a religious and scientific journal, writing a series of articles on Islamic ethics. These articles were later collected into a book published under the title ‘Ethical and Psychological Problems’. Nine original Persian editions of this book have been published, and it has also been translated into Arabic, and most recently English.

In 1342/1963, he travelled to Germany for medical treatment, and on returning to Iran

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