- point
- Preface
- Introduction
- point
- 2. Definition Of Hayz
- 3. Duration Of Hayz
- 4. Different Categories Of Ha'iz
- 5. A Girl Entering Puberty
- 6. General Rules About Zatu 'L‑`Adah Women
- 7. The Forgetful Zatu 'L‑'Adah Women
- 8. The Muztaribah
- 9. The Things Forbidden To The Ha'iz
- 10. Sex During Menstruation
- 11. The Salat Before After The Menses
- 12. Ghusl U'l‑Hayz
- Istihazah - The Irregular Bleeding
- Defnition Of Nifas - Post Natal Bleeding
- Glossary
The Ritual Ablutions for Women
Author(s): Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi
Publisher(s): Vancouver Islamic Educational Foundation
Category: Women General
Topic Tags: Taharah Ritual ablutions Women
Taharatu 'N-Nisa'Knowing the laws regarding the monthly periods and pre or post-natal bleeding is an essential duty of every Muslim woman. This book consists of three parts (1) Menstruation (2) Irregular Bleeding (3) Post-natal Bleeding.
Knowing the laws regarding the monthly periods and pre‑ or post‑natal bleeding is an essential duty of every Muslim woman. But the unavailability of a comprehensive book in English on this subject has made the access to these laws almost impossible for those Muslim women who are unfamiliar with Arabic, Persian or Urdu. One reason for the unavailability of such a book in English is that in many Muslim communities, open discussion of this and similar subjects were tabooed. This, plus the complication of the laws of menstruation (which arises from the vast differences in the patterns of women's menstrual cycles) may have discouraged many writers from dealing with this subject comprehensively.
The present writer, by putting his trust in Allah, has tried to accomplish this task and has simplified, to his utmost ability, the laws of the shari'ah regarding the women in their monthly periods.
This book consists of three parts:
1. Menstruation.
2. Irregular Bleeding.
3. Post‑natal Bleeding.
The last two parts are to be read as normally. But as far as the first part is concerned, the reader is requested to read the following instruction which will help her from getting confused.
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