Imamate (The Vicegerency Of The Prophet (s.a.) Popular
Title: Imamate (the vicegerency of the prophet)
Author(s): Allamah Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher(s): World Organization for Islamic Services (WOFIS)
Category: Prophethood & Imamate
Topic Tags: Imamate Infallibility Shura Miscellaneous information: ISBN-10: 1494428172
ISBN-13: 978-1494428174
Congress Classification: BP۲۲۳/ر۶ الف ۹ ۱۳۶۴
Dewey Classification: ۲۹۷ /۴۵
National bibliography numbers: م ۷۸-۱۶۳۹۳
Featured Category: Introducing the Ahlul Bayt Resources for Further Research
This book Contains these titles:
BOOK ID؛ point؛ Part 1: General Meaning؛ Part 2: The Shi'ite Point of View؛ Part 3- The Sunni Point of View؛ Bibliography
- Author :
- Publisher :
- Language :
- Type :دیجیتالی
- Type of content :
- Total Volume :1
- Digital number :11811
- LCC :BP223/ر6 الف 9 1375
- DDC :297 /45
- National bibliography numbers :M 78-13268
- Cost View :رایگان
- ISBN :9644381025
- Year of publication :
- Book Version :3